Don't get me wrong...we love snow...especially North Idaho snow...plenty of it, light and fluffy most of the time, and unlike Wrightwood, it hangs around for us to have a white Christmas, a white MLK day, a white Valentine's Day, and probably a white St Patrick's Day...
But this year is a bit much....even our friends who are natives have been complaining that it's just too much. We're on track to surpass the big snows of 1996 to rival the

See the fence on the left? Yeah...that's a 5' fence....not much left, huh? Our road went from 16' wide down to about 8' wide...but this week we're having it plowed out wider so we can continue to use both cars.
Next is a shot of Avalon at the lake. Got so cold, it froze over (dipped below zero). But it's weird to see a two mile area just frozen over. Not enough to walk on (she's standing on a jetty here), but enough for animals to walk on it.